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SENIOR YEAR 2013 - 2014

Submitted to: UCLA, UC Irvine, UC San Diego, UC Berkeley


A recalcitrant rose is one that truly grows despite its concrete-ridden soil, its cascade watering, and zero sunlight. Similarly, my obstinate character survives because of what I’ve learned from my obstacles. Each factor is a puzzle piece displaying the independent image of my rose. These aspects range from a general view to specific units. They either represent the traits that I have gained or wish to obtain. Conflicting perspectives are distributed throughout society. As someone from the Hispanic community, I recognize that racism affects this group of people because of stereotypes about immigration and more. During my childhood, my mother was studying to gain her citizenship in the United States. As a part of her routine, I would quiz her and pronounce words that she didn’t know well. The days and nights she spent reviewing taught me the basic essence of determination and perseverance necessary to succeed.Separately, the effects of the general profiling system have made me reflect over who I would like to be in the future. I answer this by respecting and tolerating others because many variables contribute to a person’s personality, not just his or her nationality. Moreover, if I want to help stop these prejudices, then I, too, must work persistently to tear down the barriers. This stamina consistently appears in my experiences. I dreamed of having a career in the future to make sure that a tense situation I lived through does not recur. There was a time when my family suffered a combination of different financial struggles. My family members each had to play a part in moving everyone forward because teamwork and sacrifice were actions that would pull us out of the vortex. I had to be independent and take care of my schoolwork properly because I could not bear the thought of becoming yet another source of stress and worry for them.In addition, I was a very sheltered individual, which kept me safe but deprived me of experiences away from the dark cloud of pessimism. It became difficult to cope with the combination of everyone’s struggles without any distractions. It became clear that I should find an escape. My religion’s Confirmation program held a retreat in the mountains that made me discover my pathway to enlightenment. What did help me overcome this depression was its short counseling program that helped me understand the importance of optimism, love, support, and faith. Through this, I learned how to meditate effectively. As I reflect over my life, I see the awesome power of choice. Whether I am happy with what I have is my decision, and whether I overcome a challenge depends on my attitude. The rose decides to rise above the ground and enjoy the light rain in the hope of seeing the sunlight soon. Likewise, I must choose to be who I am and live my life as best I can.

Submitted to: UCLA, UC Irvine, UC San Diego, UC Berkeley


Most people feel insignificant when compared to the universe. Life could become a dark hole bombarding them with incessant challenges, making individuals miniscule. However, through learning, this desperation can be relieved - much like a breath of fresh air. I was fortunate enough to discover this early in my life.During tough times, I resorted to distracting myself with knowledge. I smiled as I read my Life Science textbook and did my habitual online researches. My face became awe-struck as I learned of modern technology and biology. One day, I incredulously read aloud, “The Universe is in us.” After ten seconds, I found that I yearned for the connectivity implied by the quote. Consequently, it became my mantra, and I ultimately believed these words… I am relevant and significant. It became clear that my life was about searching for my purpose. I find clues of it in science and technology. Both elements present a new, fascinating realm of life that is revealed to those who seek it.When I entered high school, I was in a program known as Project Lead the Way. This four-year course provided me with examples of the composition of engineering. I learned of bread-boarding, programming, presenting, creating, drawing, etc. I learned that engineering concepts included the fundamentals found in math and science. This incredible combination fascinated me to such an extent that I applied to a summer engineering program. I attended the STEM summer program at El Camino College. It focused on the topics of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. That month of July consisted of different activities, ranging among lectures, guest speakers, field trips, and experiments. Every step added to my understanding of the four subjects. It emphasized the stability and balance that appealed to me. I am very pleased with the results of being exposed to engineering. After all, it is the realm that unites three challenging yet inspiring subjects. It’s proven to me that I am capable of overcoming obstacles and achieving a healthy equilibrium in life. As I remain focused on my dreams, I am bound to be successful so long as I persevere.A career in the engineering field would allow me to explore and search for the answers to many questions. My particular interest, biochemistry, requires a strong foundation in both good intentions and avid learning. Both are needed to address critical issues transcendentally. Mostly, I’m interested in learning about neuroscience and how engineering can connect with the body. Overall, discovering the answers to the mysteries of life would be a treasure on its own. I hope to contribute to this journey for the sake of any person who also seeks answers passionately.


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