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SENIOR YEAR 2013 - 2014

ESLR |05 Life-long Learners who:
Reflect on their learning, develop the ability to learn independently and plan for life beyond high school.
Decribe the concepts you learned in class and analyze how they connect to the real life application.


My final year of high school is comprised of many new subjects, but they are building blocks that keep me invigorated in learning. In particular, my Engineering PLTW class caused me to take my dreams a step further after being exposed to aerodynamics. For my first semester, I was given an assignment in which I had to develop an airfoil design that could be tested using a wind tunnel. This assignment consisted of creating a wing prototype and writing a research paper on the dynamics of the design. After completing this project, I reflected on what I learned by determining the extent to which a pilot or wing manufacturer must know the material that I was studying. It made me more interested in exploring the realm of flying an airplane. I then extended my learning to more subjects. I found that there is Physics within this realm of Engineering. There are forces and pressures acting upon an object such as this when wind acts upon it. For example, by creating a Free Body Diagram of the wing, there are forces such as thrust, lift, drag, and weight affecting the wing and its design. Moreover, Bernoulli’s Equation helps explain the reason why air moves under the wing (to keep it in the air) instead of moving over it – when positioned correctly. As a part of my endeavor to learn independently, I studied elements of aviation so that I could practice piloting a small plane. I researched the instruments and scenarios that any pilot must refer to when in the air. This introduced me to elements such as the horizon (which changes as the plane’s altitude changes) and the pedals (which act as the brakes of the plane). I then went on to put my skills to the test by participating in a Discovery Flight at Beach Cities Aviation Academy. As I flew from the city of Hawthorne to the city of Torrance, I practiced looking at the horizon rather than looking at the instruments. The experience in itself was awe-inspiring, but what pushed me to seriously consider obtaining a career in aviation was the recommendation of the receptionist. Now, as I plan for life beyond high school, I consider her advice of obtaining two careers – one being a commercial air pilot. She gave me articles that displayed statistics of how a career in aviation is much more profitable (in the long-run) than many other top professions. Moreover, because there are fewer women pilots than men pilots, I will have a greater chance of obtaining a secure job if I do choose to pursue it. I am currently leaning toward the idea of having two careers.



ESLR #5 Reflection​


In terms of this ESLR, I have improved in my skills of reflecting on my learning and learning independently. Within my English 12 course, I have participated in various Socratic Seminars. These Socratic Seminars contrast with my 10th grade debate video project (regarding whether marijuana should be legalized) because I go more in depth. For example, I provide my own insight and opinion on the argument (e.g. what is happiness) by bringing evidence/passages from books that I have read. This takes my learning a step further as I broaden my spectrum rather than settle with the information found in news articles provided in class. It shows that I take the initiative of connecting my previous readings with what the class is discussing. This can be seen as I read news articles - that either support or oppose one perspective of an argument- and use them within a Socratic Seminar. One particular seminar revolved around the morale of scientific endeavors such as cloning. The class discussed whether these explorations were unethical and should be terminated or ethical and necessary. I provided my insight on cloning by discussing the plot of The House of the Scorpion, in which the protagonist is a clone who fights for his life and individuality. It supported that clones have a soul, and that any scientific endeavor should be done with precautions as a way of taking responsibility for its consequences. These seminars encourage me to reflect over the information I learned and use it to better understand the world. I find that I can still further develop in planning for life beyond high school because that requires a great level of adaptation skill. Given that the world often changes and I enjoy different subjects, I will further develop in this skill by taking diverse college courses (e.g. linguistics). There is a broad spectrum of academia in any university. Moreover, I plan to join clubs that may focus on a specific subject (e.g. political affairs) or specific activity (community service) to expose me to the world. As my interests grow and expand, this exposure will provide me with a challenge that increases my ability to plan my life in the future. After all, there is an endless knowledge in this world that I can explore every day.


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