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FRESHMAN YEAR 2010 - 2011

ESLR |2B Complex, Critical Thinkers who:
Adapt to an evolving technological and multi-cultural society by applying logic and reasoning skills.
COURSE: Geometry
ASSIGNMENT TITLE: The Domino Project
DATE OF PROJECT: 12/03/2010

The Domino Project that had been assigned to me in my Geometry class was a project that involved applying logic and reasoning skills. This project consisted of completing the rest of a diagram that was composed of twenty-eight dominoes from 0-0 (both halves of the domino are blank) through 6-6 (both halves of the dominoes have six dots). A game of Dominoes is played by connecting the amounts of dots on the halves with the halves of other dominoes that have the same amount; only one half of the domino is connected to the half of another domino. The number (amount of dots on the half) must be the same between the two dominoes; otherwise the connection will be seen as incorrect. For this project, we were needed to fill in the blanks of the already-created puzzle maze that had six domino spaces already filled in, and then we were expected to create a typed response that answered six questions regarding the assignment. The puzzle maze was a pathway that intersected at different parts and stayed connected while at the same time creating a figure that appears to consist of three squares and one rectangle.








The time given to complete this project had been ten days and I had spent approximately three days to complete it. I worked on figuring out the diagram and creating the final work product (that I was going to turn in) the first two days and then on the third day I created my typed response. My final work product had been the same diagram with every space half filled out (in pen) with correct connections amongst the dominoes; my typed response had all six questions answered. The questions were those of “How many halves occur in this set?” and “How does this project relate to Mathematics?”



Explain how the evidence you selected demonstrates your ability to effectively analyze, synthesize and evaluate information to develop a meaningful product. Please make sure you break down each of the components (analysis, synthesis and evaluation—not necessarily in that order) and explain.


The problem that I needed to analyze and eventually solve was how the blanks would be filled-in in a coherent manner that made sense and had correct domino-halves connections all along the diagram. With five already-filled-in dominoes, I needed to find a way to finish the puzzle correctly. Logic had been applied in completing this assignment by letting me know that if one domino half was a sixth, then the domino I was going to draw in must have a sixth as one of its two halves. The reasoning skill used was that of eventually solving the domino diagram by using actual dominoes rather than first drawing and filling it in. My assumptions had consisted of many tries that involved putting the dominoes at different areas until they actually fit correctly in the diagram; however, since they were incorrect at first, I had to change them after finding that the pieces did not go together correctly. At times, my domino patterns would exclude at least two or three dominoes from the puzzle, but then, after a few tries of rearranging the dominoes’ locations, I finally found the solution.The information that I used were the notes and clues that my teacher provided us with. Before having assigned the project, Ms. Mendez had given the class a short lesson on how Dominoes is played and, after a week passed, she had provided the class with three to four correct domino answers. Logic and reasoning skills had connected to this diagram problem by demonstrating why the dominoes placed were incorrect and what I could do to fix it. The solution to the diagram problem consisted of the dominoes connecting correctly and the path of the maze moving smoothly throughout the entire figure. Once I was found the solution and created final work product, my typed response was formed because I would not have been able to answer the questions without having completed the diagram since the questions mad reference to the diagram and its solution.



ESLR #2B Reflection


This assignment was unlike others in regards to how it was to be completed because the logic and reasoning skills used was in reality needed when completing the assignment. Adapting to problems that could be encountered in the future need the logic and reasoning skills that were acquired in completing this assignment. The problem of having to figure out what the best solution is to so many problems and still keeping the harmony amongst each component is one that could be encountered with in the future whether with society or finances. The nature in which the domino halves have to please/satisfy the other domino while at the same time being harmonious with the rest of the dominoes surrounding it can also be applied to life situations.


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