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SOPHOMORE YEAR 2011 - 2012

ESLR |01 Academic Achievers who:
Apply the concepts and skills learned in their courses to make connections or solve problems that exist beyond the classroom.
COURSE: Principles of Engineering
ASSIGNMENT TITLE: Project 3.1.7 -
                                     Problem 5: Elevator
DATE OF PROJECT: 12/12/2011

The purpose of this project was to design the control system and prototype of an elevator using a software programming system known as RoboPro software. While working in a team of four people, the prototype that needed to be created required specific aspects. Since this project was meant to be a prototype for a company that wanted to produce residential elevators, my team and I needed to think about many variables such as how many levels the structure had and what specific signals the elevators would have. In this case, the elevator needed to reach three levels: top, middle, and bottom. This project was directed towards software programming, which was needed in order to create the different probabilities of reaching the three levels. This programming process was assembled through a series of shapes that were viewed as commands inside the computer. The commands would make the electronic devices conduct specific steps such as turning a motor in the clockwise direction or turning a lamp on when a switch was pushed.









The requirements for the project were to have an elevator that can ascend and descend between three floors in different combinations, to have one switch at each of the three floors, and to have a built-in safety mechanism within the software program of the elevator that would cause the elevator to descend to a ground floor after a period of non-usage. This project took us approximately two weeks to fully develop. The first thing that my team created was the hardware for the elevator, which consisted of various objects such as three mini-lamps, one motor, and approximately 26 aluminum struts (rectangular poles). Each element on the prototype played a role in the hardware or the software. For example, the three lamps on each level of the model were a part of the control design, which was the software. Furthermore, because the prototype needed to behave just like an actual elevator, the trial product had switches that would act as the buttons that people push to have the elevator ascend or descend to their desired level.



Decribe the concepts you learned in class and analyze how they connect to the real life application.


This project was connected to what I was learning in class by helping me expand on the concept of software programming, which was what we were learning about. The knowledge that I gained before doing this project was how to use RoboPro software along with other electronic tools known as fischertechnik® interface, a power supply, and a USB cable. In class, we started off with easier assignments that would allow us to become more familiar with the equipment that we needed to use. The coursework started off small and simple, and eventually became more complex and intricate to have certain tasks completed. For example, our first task was to type out command blocks that would be able to have a machine pick up ten objects. Afterwards, one assignment that we did later was to create a program that would command a motor to move in a clockwise direction when one switch is pushed, and then move counter-clockwise when another switch is pushed. Just like in real life, there were challenges along the way that my team and I needed to overcome. The challenge that appeared plenty of times was developing a control design that would actually function properly. My group overcame this problem by working afterschool various days and trying different approaches towards the problem until we eventually created a program that worked. This project applies to real life problems because an elevator is normally found in buildings with multiple levels. The people that work on actual elevators have to go through the same process that we went through to make the prototype of it. Through this experience, I learned how to create the software of an elevator that could essentially become the basic core of any actual, life-sized elevator with a height of three stories. When creating the software for our elevator, I needed to use command blocks on a computer that would then be transferred to a device (known as fischertechnik® interface) and make the objects in the hardware of the elevator move. In the end, my team and I needed to prepare a PowerPoint presentation on our completed elevator because actual engineers have to communicate their results once they finish their models, products, solutions, gathering of data, or any other scientific endeavors. Therefore, because of the realistic prototype that I had to create and maneuver like an elevator in real life and afterwards present, this project allowed me to make connections with things beyond the classroom.



ESLR #1 Reflection​

In terms of ESLR One, I have developed in using what I have learned from school to help me in real life situations. For example, this year I had to do use my new programming skills to create a prototype that a real engineer would have to do. Last year, I had to only create puzzle cube and a package in a way that would make it appealing for children. This year, I developed in creating a more complex and elaborate machine. I have developed in taking my designing skill to the next level. However, I do need to develop my skill to be a lot faster. This project was finished in the nick of time because of how difficult programming the elevator had been. The hardware phase of the project was finished earlier than the deadline; however, the software phase was barely finished the day before. My next step in quickening my skill is to practice creating programs on Microsoft Office Word. This area will then become stronger with practice and, eventually, become easier.


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