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FRESHMAN YEAR 2010 - 2011

ESLR |2C Complex, Critical Thinkers who:
Apply the curriculum to real life problems that exist beyond the classroom.
COURSE: Engineering PLTW
ASSIGNMENT TITLE: Puzzle Cube Package Project
DATE OF PROJECT: 01/26/2011

My selected project for ESLR 2c is my Puzzle Cube Package project for my Engineering PLTW class. This project had taken a series of steps even before the puzzle cube’s package design was to be done. This project’s objective was to design a three-dimensional puzzle cube that we could advertise like real advertisers did with their consumer products. The first step had consisted of measuring twenty-seven wooden cubes using a tool known as the dial caliper. Every wooden cube had been at a relatively similar measurement because all of the cubes had a standard size. After having measured all twenty-seven wooden cubes, the designing step began.




I was given three weeks to complete this project, and I worked on it every day. The designing step had begun when we were to color in squares in a specifically designed and formatted drawing made to help us plan out our three-dimensional cube’s formation. We had to fill in three drawings using five different colors, and each color was limited to only being used for coloring a maximum of six squares. There was also a restriction to the colors: the squares had to be, in a way, connected color-wise just like an assembly of Legos would be connected to each other if they could connect from all sides. Furthermore, the cube’s dimensional volume had to be three by three by three because it had to be similar to a Rubik’s cube only that the pieces were to be placed into the formation of a cube rather than being rotated around until the colors were matched correctly on every side. After the second step, the coloring stage began and we were to color every cube with the colors that our chosen/preferred puzzle cube design demanded necessary.



Explain how the evidence you selected demonstrates your ability to effectively analyze, synthesize and evaluate information to develop a meaningful product. Please make sure you break down each of the components (analysis, synthesis and evaluation—not necessarily in that order) and explain.


Afterwards, once we had finished our coloring, we were to glue the cubes together in the puzzle piece formations that were to have the ability to, when pieced together, form the final three by three by three puzzle cube. This whole designing process had then needed to be drawn on a computer program known as Inventor, so that we could then design our cube’s package. I learned that people who sell new products really need to go through many thought processes and many designing processes because if their products do not attract consumers or clients, then their products will not sell and then their hard work will go down the drain. When designing my package, I had to think of my client and think about what they would actually like to buy (what attracted them), which is exactly what a designer must think of when creating new products. Skills that I have acquired with this project are thinking about designing products, how to advertise them, and how to design products in a way that will catch clients’ attention.



ESLR #2C Reflection​


There are a variety of skills that I would like to develop in the profession that I may want to pursue in college, which is still undecided, however, I know that the skills of creating and advertising are needed for many careers such as engineering, business, etc. Skills of being able to think like others and know what kinds of things call to them are even more skills that my future profession could call for if my major is to be somewhere along the lines of business, politics, law, psychology, etc. Learning things like creating and writing a design brief in class and drawing on Inventor in class are the connections that helped me create my assignment/project. This project applied to real life problems beyond the classroom by teaching me how the processes of creations are done.


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