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SOPHOMORE YEAR 2011 - 2012

ESLR |02 Effective Communicators who:
Who are able to clearly articulate in a variety of forms (verbal, digital, written, etc.).
COURSE: English 10
ASSIGNMENT TITLE: Mask Presentation
DATE OF PROJECT: 08/31/2011

This project was given after reading the Lord of the Flies and after creating a dialectical journal during the summer vacation of ninth grade. Due to this, we had prior knowledge over the characters. This was an advantage because we could choose which traits to explain quickly. This project allowed me to write and verbalize information based on a character from a novel. The Lord of the Flies mask project was done with a partner and had to do with painting a mask. The mask was painted with symbols of certain traits for a character from the novel. We created our mask using construction paper and paint, which made it a relatively simple project. The novel that our character was from had a plot in which a plane crash occurred and stranded British boys on an unknown island. The boys reacted in different ways, but in the end fear consumed all of them. The fact that the boys were afraid made them want to show certain traits and hide other traits. Also, although they were stranded, they were not alone with the other boys around. Since the characters had traits that they were showing and hiding, our objective was to present those traits to the class. The two forms in which I articulated the information on the traits were written and verbal.








The mask created was to show three traits that the character would want to hide and three traits that the same character would want to show. My partner (Cristina Jimenez) and I were given Jack Merridew (the antagonist of the story) as our character, and we were given approximately one week to complete our project. In that one week, my partner and I worked on the project little by little. We first searched for possible traits that we would want to have on the mask. Then, we narrowed our list down to a total of six traits. Out of those six traits, three of them needed to be characteristics that the character wanted to show, and the other three needed to be characteristics that the character wanted to hide. Afterwards, we decided on six symbols that would accurately represent the six traits. We then created the mask out of construction paper and painted the symbols on. The mask needed to have a flashcard attached to it with the six traits listed and explained. After working on the project for approximately one week, the mask was presented in front of the class. On the designated block day, the traits were explained verbally with better detail and it was optional to provide a quote (with a page number) from the book that showed evidence about why the traits chosen would make sense for that character.


Explain how the project or presentation you selected demostrates your ability to communicate ideas/concepts/topics and articulate your viewpoint on that subject in a clear and effective way to your readers/audience.


This project allowed me to write and verbalize information very well based on a character from a novel. The written form consisted of typing brief explanations about the character’s six different traits, and also painting the traits onto a mask that could have been made for the specific character’s personality. The explanations needed to be on a flash card as bullet points because the verbal part of the project would have us explain the bullets in more detail. Although the bullets would be explained orally, the bullets still needed to be clear and brief so that anyone who did not here the oral presentation could still understand the traits and symbols. The verbal form consisted of giving an oral presentation of the mask explaining why the traits were chosen, why the symbols for the traits were chosen, and (optional) where evidence of those traits could be found in quotes from the book (including their page numbers). During the presentation, my partner and I split our work in half so that each of us could explain three traits and provide the audience with quotes from the story that supported our mask’s symbols. Within our explanations, we stated what our symbols represented and why the symbols fit the traits that the character was either showing or hiding. After each trait, we then provided our quote (with the page number) from the story that supported that trait as either hidden or shown by our character. When saying the quote, we gave a very brief explanation as to why we chose that quote to be able to support our traits and symbols. With that, we expressed information in a written and verbal form.



ESLR #2 Reflection​


In terms of ESLR Two, I have developed in my oral presentations. Last year, I delivered a PowerPoint Presentation, which was good at verbal, written, and digital articulation. This year, my project developed in having more of a variety in articulating information. I had to complete a written, verbal, artistic, and symbolic articulation. I have developed in having more of a variety; however, I need to develop my skill in designing the artistic phase of the projects. My partner and I lost points because a few of our symbols did not go well with what we wanted. My next step in developing this skill of symbolism is to conduct research on symbols so that they will actually correspond with what I want them to represent.


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