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SENIOR YEAR 2013 - 2014

Reflection of learning, fulfillment of school mission, and future plans.
Section One: Introduction


Throughout these four years of education, I acquired a significant amount of knowledge. Most importantly, however, I received memorable academic lessons for the future. Near the end of my freshman year, my Creative Writing teacher, Mr. Hall, showed the class a video of Randy Pausch’s famous Last Lecture. The short film described and explained the different skills that I would need in high school. Time management was the most useful section. As a part of his slide show, Randy Pausch showed a time management table that allows individuals to prioritize events and activities in an efficient manner. It helped prevent procrastination and develop a sense of character. Mr. Hall then proceeded to create a class activity in which we, the students, used the table. The different activities in our lives were categorized into the following (from highest to lowest): important/urgent, important/not urgent, not important/urgent, and not important/not urgent. I practiced creating this table every year, and it helped me sort my activities efficiently enough to prosper at Lennox Academy. Another skill that I acquired at Lennox Academy is note-taking. During the week of 9th Grade Finals, Ms. Pyo shared her strategy: taking notes on previous notes. This meant that I should create a separate sheet of notes based on the ones taken in class. It would work best if I color-coded the information into three categories. Red ink signified the material that I needed to review; green ink indicated material that I should review in order to improve my familiarization with it. Any material in blue or black ink meant that I could briefly cover it and still have a good understanding of it. Both of these skills helped me improve academically. My assignments were always completed on time, and my studying skills had a much stronger foundation. I am sure that these will be vital to my work ethic in college. The academic rigor at Lennox Academy is a challenge that can invigorate or crush a student. Much like in various situations of life, the choice of overcoming such an obstacle belongs to one’s self. At times, the rigor of this school did make me question why I was there instead of a less rigorous institution. After all, there were many times when one more hour of sleep was a luxury that I could not afford. However, I knew that if I wanted to pursue a higher education, then I needed to start my commitment as soon as possible and to assume the responsibility that I owe to my passion for learning. And so, the academy’s rigor became my mentor, couch, and ally. If I wanted to achieve something large, then I had to apply the work and time necessary no matter what. I have demonstrated growth since my first year at Lennox Academy. The focus of my 9th grade experience was to learn how to adapt to a new school environment. This meant that I did not particularly explore extra-curricular activities. The few clubs that I did join were Virago, Click! Photography, and Robotics. Then, as the years passed, I gained more confidence to enter new clubs (and leave a few old clubs). This exploration allowed me to join more groups such as the Interact Club, Outdoor Club, French Club, and Engineering Team. Moreover, I have developed a better sense of perseverance while growing in my education. For example, with the help of my four math classes, my education in math has much less gaps. It provides me with the flexibility to maneuver through different math concepts that stem from a similar foundation. This sort of connection can be seen through concepts such as the Distance Formula and the Pythagorean Theorem.



Section Two: School Mission​
Lennox Academy has established a challenging college preparatory curriculum win an emphasis on Mathematics, Science and Technology. The Academy strives to provide a real world education in order to equip students with the skills necessary to become critical thinkers, life-long learners and productive members of society.

The school mission has been a guide for my education as the school emphasized and focused on developing a student of character. I accomplished this mission by taking Advanced Placement courses that helped me prepare for college. Although the classes did not take place at a college, the students were expected to ask questions when necessary, to complete the assignments, and to overcome the challenges. Moreover, I joined a few clubs that focused on fields that involved science and engineering (e.g. the Engineering Team, Outdoor Club).Over the years, I have developed as a student when I met my academic challenges with preparation. Overcoming a challenge and pursuing a goal have been my two major endeavors in high school. Every year, I was assigned projects that involved critical thinking; however, I required this skill in my life outside of school as well. For example, the second semester of my junior year was completely packed with activities that needed to be done. My schedule consisted of the following: Sunday (Ryman Arts), Monday (Body Dynamics class), Tuesday (catching up with school work), Wednesday (Body Dynamics class), Thursday (Revolution Prep), Friday (Math Tutoring), Saturday (Mock SAT Examination). In this active stage of my high school career, it was necessary that I analyze my situation carefully. To synthesize an effective and realistic schedule, I had to evaluate the importance of every activity so that I could then analyze the consequences of my choices. For instance, if I did not take advantage of my free time on Tuesday, then I would fall behind significantly in terms of juggling my schoolwork with my extracurricular activities. Overall, my critical thinking allowed me to divide and conquer that year.My skills as a life-long learner stem from the beginning of high school. Mathematics has taught me that concepts build upon each other. For example, if I wanted to develop a work ethic that will help me prevail in college, then I should begin its development in high school. It can only increase if I apply the time and effort to really establish that sense of discipline. Moreover, my Spanish classes taught me that each language has a unique quality that unites people into one culture that is also open to others. This detail motivated me to learn the basics of the Italian language and leave my comfort zone (found in English). It has overall challenged me to stretch my boundaries and search for more of my interests.As a productive member of society, I have been involved in my own community service activities and helped promote community service to others. For example, in my sophomore year, I volunteered at the St. Margaret’s Center by myself and completed different activities (e.g. distributed food, organized paperwork). However, in my senior year, I took the position as Vice President for the Interact Club and the Outdoor Club. I was able to promote activities that helped the community and the environment. For example, I helped organize the Big Brother Big Sister Tutoring Program and the maintenance of the school garden. This has helped me remain humble and conscious of the world outside of me. At Lennox Academy, there exist three elements: Familia, Ganas, and Orgullo. Familia represents the family formed at school. I witnessed this grouping each time that I met with my Team Advisory class. This class included many of the same people for four years. This sort of bond allowed students to gradually form friendships with other students at the school and to later plan outings that help strengthen that bond. Moreover, a much greater form of bond was seen at the school’s protest this year. By grouping together, the school was able to project its voice for independence and keep the Familia intact with all of its members. Both the teachers and students have demonstrated Ganas by persevering in academics and extracurricular activities. This is often seen in Advanced Placement classes and clubs that are working on a project. For example, this year’s Engineering Team competed in Northrop Grumman’s Innovation Challenge. After two months of intense designing, building, and programming, the team was able to win first place in the competition and earn funding for Lennox Academy. Orgullo is seen in activities and events such as Panther Pride Days and Honor Roll Breakfasts. During Panther Pride, students represent a college in which they hope to or will enter, or an extracurricular club in which they participate. Furthermore, during the Honor Roll Breakfasts, students and their families gather to acknowledge the effort and success of the students who have a high academic standing at such a rigorous school.

Section Three: Future Plans


Some of the challenges that I had to encounter through my schooling at LMSTA were academic while others were personal. In terms of academics, my challenges appeared in group projects and individual assignments. The first years of high school consisted of more group projects than in later years. Within these groups, there were students who did not contribute to the assignment. This made it more difficult on the rest of the members and it then became a matter of whether or not the person should receive a part of the grade. There were also situations in which the group members disagreed with one another and created a conflict. This hindered the project process and it made job distribution more difficult. Moreover, when I worked independently on assignments, there were times when I did not understand the concepts. This turned out to be very time-consuming as I had to discover how to comprehend the concept. However, it was time-consuming because of my quest for turning in exceptional work rather than mediocre work. In terms of personal challenges, I had to struggle with my fear of public speaking and my self-confidence. There were times when I was afraid of giving an oral presentation, but I did not let that stop me from doing what I needed to do. This required a lot of confidence and preparation, but I found that I feel great after overcoming every challenge. My family has played an important role in my education. Since I began school, my parents have taught me that an education is a privilege and luxury of which I should take advantage. Their underprivileged past influenced their passion for learning, and so they instilled that feeling in me. Moreover, they felt that it was important that I receive the tools necessary to live a better life – one filled with options and opportunities. It has been a challenge to remain active in school, but it has shaped me into a better person and it is an institution that I value tremendously.As my final year of high school comes to an end, the future has never been closer. This upcoming step of independence will be a major factor in determining what kind of person I will be. Every decision will be mine for the making, and every consequence will be a price that I solely pay. My next steps are to attend Dartmouth College and to explore my interests. I wish to pursue the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields by majoring in Electrical Engineering and minoring in Biology and Mathematics. To truly accomplish this, I must be sure to immerse myself in the material as a full-time student. Because it requires my entire focus, I intend to only work or complete an internship during vacation. This way, I will be sure to concentrate on the material of my classes during school and remain active throughout my breaks. The LMSTA staff has played a significant role in supporting my academic career. This includes my teachers and the faculty members. I especially appreciate some of my teachers because of the special education that they provided me with for more than one year. For example, Ms. Janairo has supported me in the arts, and she encouraged me to participate in the Ryman Arts Program. It is evident that she believes in my potential as a student and a person. I enjoy being on good terms with the people that inspired me because their passion for teaching a specific subject is truly evident. By creating a STEM filled environment, my teachers have inspired me to pursue these subjects in college and to overcome their future challenges. Moreover, many of the LMSTA staff members have shared stories of their past that inspire me and other students. It reassures me that after true perseverance comes true reward. Academically, there have been a few teachers that have influenced my career choice. My choice to follow the path of an engineer was strengthened because of the three years that I have taken classes with Mr. Rivas. My inclination toward gaining a minor in mathematics is gradually changing because of my experience with my math teachers, Dr. Pyo and Ms. Lee. I am deeply considering a double major (one with mathematics) because an engineer’s course schedule includes similar classes to a mathematician. It may require more work, but so long as I have the opportunity, I will be sure to take advantage of it. A few other people who have influenced me personally are Mr. Mena, Ms. Jimenez, and Mr. Cux. Something that Mr. Mena particularly helped me with was deciding on how many AP classes I should take during my Senior Year. I was originally planning on taking five of those classes so that I could gain as much college credit as possible. However, Mr. Mena helped me see that many students who did take the five classes were struggling very much, and even with three classes I will be at a good pace for college. By deciding to choose three classes, I was able to have time for extracurricular activities and time to assume a cabinet position in two of them. Ms. Jimenez has been someone whom I can count on to help me with my education and life. She has helped me with all of my college and scholarship applications, and it is evident that she, too, believes in my dreams and potential. Mr. Cux is an extraordinary person whose passion for education influences me every day. When I grow up, I truly hope that I love my job as much as Mr. Cux loves what he does. It is always a great thing to witness when Mr. Cux provides a student with advice or information about life because it is him showing the depths of his insight and motivation.



I have learned a lot from my years in high school. Not all of my lessons were academic based, and so I will be sure to take them with me (along with my education) to college. My advice for the students of Lennox Academy consists of things to do and things not to do. What I do recommend is that students explore the world rather than fear it. This is the place and setting in which we are currently living. If we do not look beyond our current borders, then it demonstrates indifference, and it will come at a terrible price of opportunity. After all, one must be the change that he or she wishes to see in the world. However, the unbiased decision cannot be done without seeing the perspectives of others. Moreover, by exploring the world, anyone can learn from the stories and mistakes of another person. The key thing to remember, however, is to provide the respect that every person deserves. We are not entirely different since we have each loved, feared, and lost someone or something. Another piece of advice is to know yourself as best as you can. It is one matter to have the world against you, but another matter to be against yourself. If one has the courage and valor to be who he or she is, then the world has gained an opportunity to seek him or her as an individual. It may help to seek a balance within mind, body, and spirit because it will create a strong and stable foundation. This also means that one should treasure the values and beliefs that he or she has. It may be a challenge to complete these types of goals, but they are some of the routes that make life belong to the person living it. My advice continues with another route. Something that a student should not do at the academy is to settle for the easiest path. It will rob you of your education and slowly deteriorate your perseverance. An opportunity must be met with the right amount of preparation, so if you do not allow yourself to reach the preparation level, then the opportunity will be taken by someone who is already there.As a 9th grader, I would have changed a few things. For one, I would have tried out for a sports team or followed through with Cross Country. The exercise and activity would’ve helped me stay physically healthy and active in the classroom. It could have also lessened my stress at school and at home. Moreover, my experience as a 9th grader could have benefitted me better if I began searching for more programs (particularly summer programs) and internships. This could have included classes at El Camino or another college program. A few things that I do regret have to do with not finishing something. In the summer of 11th grade, I applied for an internship at LAX. I was under the impression that it was a summer internship, not a year-long one. I was chosen to fill a spot in the emergency response team, and I was given a date for my interview. However, I had to decline it for fear that it would interfere with my AP classes during my senior year. Another thing that I did not finish had to do with the arts. In 11th grade, I participated in the Ryman Arts Program. I left after the first semester because it was very difficult for me to keep up with my studies at school and my artwork at the program. With reluctance, I had to cancel my art scholarship (at the Otis College of Art and Design) for my last two semesters at the Ryman Arts Program.A few important developments in life began since before high school. When I was younger, I was an extremely quiet person. It was very difficult for me to socialize with others because I rarely spoke with anyone. As the years passed, my confidence and social skills have improved. I am now able to create new connections with people who share the same interests as me, and I am able to better present any material that I must in class. Finally, I have come to learn that life is beautiful if that is what I make it out to be. I possess the power of choosing my attitude and my actions, and so I must choose the path that will make me the happiest while preserving my values and beliefs.


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