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FRESHMAN YEAR 2010 - 2011

ESLR | Life-Long Learners who:
A. Plan for life beyond high school by making realistic choices and informed decisions about appropriate life paths/career choices
B. Develop the ability 
Reflecting on all of your courses and any other experiences (service learning, clubs, sports…) this academic year, how have you grown as a citizen and strived to improve the quality of life at school and the greater community, while developing respect, tolerance and understanding of individual differences and diversity?

My plans after high school consist of attending the university of my choice and studying for the career of my choice as well. Furthermore, I plan to have an internship that will provide me with both experience and a higher chance of receiving the job that I seek. My main education goal at this moment is to shine and achieve in every way that I possibly can. This is so that colleges will offer me a full scholarship for my entire college education and also allow me to have many options for where I wish to go study. I know that if I set my mind to it and continue to give my greatest effort in everything that I do, I will be able to achieve this magnificent goal in a fashionable manner.Throughout my time in high school, I also wish to reach the goal of deciding what I want to be when I grow up. This has been one goal that I have not been able to completely fulfill due to the fact that I am not sure as to what career I would like to pursue. The choices that I have made to allow me to inch closer to achieving my first goal are endless because there are so many new things that await me in the years to come in high school. For sure there are a couple of concrete choices that I will have to continue choosing over the course of these next three years. Those choices are studying, completing the classes’ homework assignments, and paying attention in class every day.The choices that have brought me closer to fulfilling my second goal consist of trying new things because there isn’t any other way of seeing whether I like that movement or not. Furthermore, the choice of signing up in the College Board website has helped me approach my second goal even more because the many elements that it offers to me. For example, the assessment that (available to be taken by the members) asks questions that will help you see what your career-calling could be (if you wish to pursue it) due to your personality and actions is one element that the website provides. The inspiration behind my first goal is my family and my very own self. I wish to not have to go through the issue of finances when it comes to going to college because I think that it will get me down a bit if I think of what my family has to be put through in order to allow me to attend college (although it is definitely worth it). As for my second goal, the inspiration behind deciding which career I wish to pursue is the fact that time is going by fast. Also, if I don’t make up my mind by the time I have to start applying to college, I am afraid that I will make a rash decision in my choice of career and have to face the consequences with unhappiness. However, I believe in myself and my beliefs; with that, I know that I will be able to make up my mind in a very mature and enthusiastic manner that will ensure my happiness with my career. Reaching these goals is important for me because I want to be able to live a happy life in which I can also give to others with what I can provide. Furthermore, since I know for a fact that I want to help others in my career, I am motivated in reaching these goals so that I can succeed in giving to others.I have done many undertakings that have built up on my ability to learn independently. For one, I have joined clubs and studied new things through books and websites on my own time. Due to these experiences, I feel as if though my confidence in learning on my own is rather steep and high because I know that if I set my mind on it, anything is possible. One new thing that I have studied is how to build robots in the Robotics Club. Each Tuesday and Wednesday we worked on a robot and learned how the assembling of robots works. The many classes and extra-curricular activities that I have embarked on provided me with the skills of learning differently in both areas because in a class with many students, I learn differently than in a club with only a fair amount of members. Both areas, however, have still given me the opportunity of learning more new things that will help me with both of my goals.During the remainder of my high school career, I will try to engross myself in more clubs and classes that can help me find out more about careers. This will happen as a result of trying to pursue my goals and eventually reach them. I will continue to strive for the results that I desire and that will help me with gradually having a college scholarship, internship, and career decision. Joining more clubs and participating more in school will give me an increased chance to receive a higher value and greater confidence of learning independently. My plans for the rest of high school and after high school are not entirely different, but what contrasts one from the other makes a humungous variance.

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