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SENIOR YEAR 2013 - 2014

ESLR |02 Effective Communicators who:
Who are able to clearly articulate in a variety of forms (verbal, digital, written, etc.).
COURSE: AP Psychology

This project was assigned after Unit 4 (in the textbook) was completed. This chapter had to do with sensation and perception. The assignment narrowed the focus on the five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Taste was the physical sense assigned to my group. It was necessary to present how people experience taste.







The assignment was to be finished in two days and presented the following day. I worked with a group of three other classmates to complete it within those two days and then present it in the third. The product was an informative, visual poster centered on taste. This included facts and descriptions regarding its five sensations – sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami – and the reasons behind their human inheritance.



Explain how the project or presentation you selected demostrates your ability to communicate ideas/concepts/topics and articulate your viewpoint on that subject in a clear and effective way to your readers/audience.


The beginning stage of the project involved gathering information about the sense of taste from both the textbook and online. The project then focused on articulating digital and written information in a written form. The poster that my group created displayed written descriptions and facts behind the survival functions of basic tastes and sensory interaction. Another part of the poster articulated information through an aesthetic and visual manner. The project included visual aids that labeled the specific areas of the tongue’s taste buds and charts that explained the tastes’ different indications to the body (e.g. sweetness indicates an energy source). The third piece of articulation was verbal as we presented the poster to the class and taught the class about taste.



ESLR #2 Reflection​


In terms of ESLR Two, I have developed well in performing newer methods of articulation. For example, in 10th grade, I presented a mask project through symbolic and verbal methods. The final product displayed information gathered from the novel The Lord of the Flies. This year, I presented my information (from two sources – the textbook and the Internet) using three methods - written, visual, and verbal – to demonstrate my knowledge of the topic. The area that I still need to progress in is the verbal aspect of articulation simply because it is my weakest and least preferred form. I hope to further develop in this area by opening myself more to the idea of presenting my work verbally. For example, I hope to deliver a strong Senior Presentation this year, and I hope to deliver a strong PowerPoint Presentation of my Engineering Team’s product (at the end of the course). Moreover, communication skills are important in the fields of science and engineering (to present data and discoveries). As long as I keep in mind that communicating with others is important, I will continue to leave my comfort zone and learn how to develop well in verbal articulation. This can be further developed by treating a school presentation as an opportunity to practice speaking in front of crowds.


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