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JUNIOR YEAR 2012 - 2013

ESLR |03 Critical Thinkers who:
Effectively analyze, synthesize and evaluate information to develop a meaningful product.
COURSE: Pre-Calculus
                                     Modeling Project
DATE OF PROJECT: 11/26/2012

​In class, we learned about exponential growth and exponential decay. In order to better understand this concept, we were given an assignment that involved M&Ms and working with a partner (in my case, Silvia Orellana). In this activity, a total of one hundred M&Ms were initially present. After a series of mixing the candies and removing those with the “M” on top, we were able to collect a sufficient amount of data on how many M&Ms were typically removed for every trial and, thus, find its exponential decay. By using the basic equation y=abx, were able to find the average amount of M&Ms removed each time. This was deciphered by using a graphing calculator that allowed us to input our data and then solve for b. As for the other variables, a is the initial amount (in this case 100 M&Ms) and the x and y are the data points that we found (x is the trial number and y is the amount of M&Ms remaining.)



The Exponential Modeling Project that I was assigned consisted of three parts. I was given approximately five weeks to complete the entire project, however only the last part was given more than one week. The first part consisted of researching a real-life example of exponential growth or exponential decay and finding at least ten data points of this exponential change. For my topic, I chose the Australian rabbit population as the exponential growth that I wished to study. For the second part, I had to create a table and a graph of the model so that I could prove the exponential growth. Along with this, I had to find the equation of the model by following the same procedure as the M&M activity only in my case; I had to use the data that I found online to establish the numbers. For the third part, I wrote an essay in which I analyzed the exponential growth of the rabbit population and explained how I found the equation.


Explain how the evidence you selected demonstrates your ability to effectively analyze, synthesize and evaluate information to develop a meaningful product. Please make sure you break down each of the components (analysis, synthesis and evaluation—not necessarily in that order) and explain.

The Exponential Modeling Project allowed me to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information at different phases. I began with evaluation as I searched for my data online. By evaluating the credibility of online sources, I was able to determine the population of the rabbits at different months. Afterwards, I synthesized information as I followed the procedure of the M&M activity for my project. By inputting ten data points (into my graphing calculator) and then searching for the best variables for the equation (y=abx), I was able to find the equation to the rabbit population. I was then able to analyze as I typed my essay. I had to examine the logic behind the equation that I found, discuss the abnormalities on the model, connect the data with the tables and graph, and predict measurements of growth.

ESLR #3 Reflection


In terms of ESLR 3, I have developed in all three skills – analysis, evaluation, and synthesis. In the past, I did not choose a very suitable project with as much use of these skills as this project did. Last year, the project that I chose did not require as much of an analysis as this project did (I had to type an essay explaining a variety of things). In the end, however, I still require development in analysis so that I can view things under a different light and examine it better. In order to further develop in analysis, I plan to scrutinize math problems more. For example, I will try to decipher the process and its foundation rather than go through the motions.



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