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JUNIOR YEAR 2012 - 2013

ESLR |02 Effective Communicators who:
Who are able to clearly articulate in a variety of forms (verbal, digital, written, etc.).
COURSE: AP English Language and      
DATE OF PROJECT: 11/28/2012

The speech project that I completed was related to the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. In order to present my understanding of the story, I had to create and present a speech that argued against a statement. The statement that I argued against was that Huck’s internal conflicts weren’t resolved in the novel. Along with demonstrating my comprehension, I was able to practice answering the third essay question in the AP English exam. Within the text, I had to include the following elements: introduction, claim, argument, evidence, analysis, counterargument, rebuttal, and call to action. These elements were necessary to make my stand clear and persuasive, which is required in the third question of the Advanced Placement exam.








The speech project was assigned after the guided questions were completed during our independent reading. I was given three days to create a rough draft of my speech and then three more days to prepare for my presentation. I worked to improve my speech the entire six days This meant that I constantly asked for feedback on the written text and frequently recited my oral delivery. The first component that I turned in was the text, which was graded with a rubric separate from that of the presentation. The second component was the oral presentation, which was the piece that was graded first. The delivery received a grade in three different categories: professionalism, consistency (of volume and speed), and tone (of voice, intonation, and expression).



Explain how the project or presentation you selected demostrates your ability to communicate ideas/concepts/topics and articulate your viewpoint on that subject in a clear and effective way to your readers/audience.


In order to complete my speech, I was required to gather evidence that supported my arguments. The evidence that I gathered could be from the story or the Internet. For the majority of my evidence, I referred to the novel to complete the requirements and communicate information from the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The written section of the project was the text that I typed. Within the text, I gave information as to why my side of the argument was valid (that Huck’s internal conflicts were resolved in the story). The verbal section to the project was the oral presentation in which I provided the evidence to the audience with my voice. Through this, the information related to the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was communicated.



ESLR #2 Reflection​


In terms of ESLR 2, I have evolved in writing and presentation. Last year, I completed my mask project with a partner, meaning that I had someone to consult. Since this project was an individual assignment, regardless of the evaluation, I developed in my skills as a writer and orator. In terms of writing, I developed in how effective my evidence and analysis are. Nevertheless, I need further improvement in how concise and coherent the written information is communicated. In terms of oral presentation, I did develop in professionalism because I refrained from using unnatural gestures and made sure to make eye contact with my audience. However, I do require further progress in consistency. The elements that I need to keep constant are volume and tone of voice so as to keep the delivery stable. In order to achieve these developments, I plan to work on my grammar and brevity when writing, and work on maintaining only one level of volume.



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