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Ergonomic Hair Curling Iron

ENGS 21 - Introduction to Engineering

For my Introduction to Engineering course, I worked in a team of four to design a project that improves the quality of life. Along the way of establishing a need for the center of our project, my experience in the course allowed me to acquire skills that I used in future courses; I also developed a strong work ethic to meet course and project objectives as well as various milestones.


- Proposal: Executive Summary, Presentation, and Report (completed by Week 3)

- Progress 1: Executive Summary and Presentation (completed by Week 6)

- Final: Executive Summary, Presentation, and Report (completed by Week 10)


- Problem Identification: Brainstorming, Public Surveying

- Project Proposal Development: Literature Review

- Specification Development: technical, ethical, environmental, legal 

- Problem Solving: Physics

- Engineering Tools: SolidWorks, Thayer School Machine Shop (e.g. soldering, lathes, mills, temperature sensor circuit)

- Communication: Presentations, Group Dynamics, Project Reports

- Solution analysis: Public Feedback, Online Research

- Ethical Considerations 

- Life-long learning

- Prototype Development 

- Prototype Testing and Experimentation

- Data Interpretation and Analysis


This project lasted for 10 weeks; however, my team had to consistently work to meet milestones. My technical writing and oral communication vastly improved with this fat-paced environment. I thoroughly enjoyed learning how to identify a need/problem and working tirelessly to find a solution to it.

The slideshow below displays a few slides from my team''s final presentation as well as a few images of the work leading up to the final product.

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